Welcome to Planet Herb

Made in Australia for the world

Experienced Dietary Supplement Contract Manufacturer

Planet Herb Developing a high-quality nutraceutical product can be a daunting proposition, especially if you’re working with the wrong dietary supplement contract manufacturer. We have made supplement manufacturing easy for brand owners by providing them with “one-stop” solutions, allowing them to go to market faster than the competition. Scroll down and click the boxes to discover the proven process we’ve perfected that has helped thousands of brand owners create and bring high-quality nutraceutical products to the market.
Planet Herb

Planning process

Whether you’re looking to manufacture a vitamin and mineral-based, sports nutrition-focused, or condition-specific formula, the planning and formulation stage is when you’ll be working with our supplement contract manufacturing team. Our team will help you establish as many of your dietary supplement’s specifications as possible.
Regardless of your level of nutraceutical industry experience, there are certain types of questions you’ll want to consider before and during your first few conversations with your production specialist.

Questions for Your First Dietary Supplement Contract Manufacturing Phone Call

Contract Manufacturing Nutritional Supplements the Right Way

With over 50 years of experience contract manufacturing nutritional supplements, we make a point of asking you the right questions and learning the right details to help you, as the brand owner, make the best product possible. Our team has helped thousands of brand owners in the Australia and around the globe create high-quality nutritional supplements. We know what works and we know what doesn’t. Our goal is to help you make the most of your company’s time, effort, and capital with each production run.


When you choose Planet Herb Labs as your nutritional supplement contract manufacturer, you’re choosing experience. As a member of the AXR Group family of businesses, we’re drawing upon more than 20 years of combined experience manufacturing vitamins and other nutritional supplements.

Manufacturing Your Nutraceutical Products with Planet Herb Labs

Planet Herb

Our Supplement Contract Manufacturing Capabilities

We know that in the world of dietary supplement contract manufacturing, variety and flexibility are key. That’s why we pride ourselves on our ability to offer you dozens of contract manufacturing services to choose from. Whether you choose to take advantage of our full suite of services – or just the two or three that your business requires – is entirely up to you.
Here are just a few of the productions and contract manufacturing options that we can offer you and your business:


Over the years we’ve found that even the best contract manufacturing knowledge, experience, and resources can be rendered meaningless if there isn’t an effective project management process in place to bring it all together.
Planet Herb

From First Inquiry to Finished Product

Our project management process is built around specifications. Our team of account managers, production specialists, label designers, and proofers will work to ensure that all of your product specifications have been met through a series of multi-layered verifications.
Your First Inquiry – Whether by phone or email, we’ll work with you to establish all of the necessary details concerning your supplement’s formulation and production pricing.
Specifications – You’ll receive a specification sheet containing all of the previously established details concerning your product’s packaging, flavouring, and formulation.

Production – After your order has been received and your specifications have been finalized, we can begin the production process. Our production team will continue to work with you to ensure that you receive regular updates and answer to any questions or concerns that you might have. Your Finished Product – Once your supplement has completed its contract manufacturing journey, our production staff and our warehouse team will ensure that all of your shipping requirements are met.

From Finished Product to Next Venture


The way we see it, our relationship doesn’t have to end once your product has been finished and shipped. Our team is always here to help. From simple questions to helping you gather the resources for your next dietary supplement product, we’ve got you covered.
We distinguish ourselves from other contract supplement manufacturers by making quality assurance a top priority. Our team can provide you the nutraceutical industry advice and insight you need to make the most of your time and money.

Meeting Industry & Specialty Supplement Specification

After establishing your formula, our team can work with you throughout the supplement contract manufacturing process to help you create products that:

Let Us Manufacture a Custom Supplement For You!

Whether you’re entering the industry for the first time, need a new capsule manufacturer or are thinking about adding a new product to your line, Planet Herb Labs can meet all of your needs. Take the first step now to see how we can assist you!

About Company

Long before we began our journey into the world of custom nutraceutical contract manufacturing, we were a direct-to-consumer supplement brand. At the time, our business model was built around a commitment to customer service and delivering a high-quality dietary supplement product.

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+61 7 5646 4528

+61 3 5292 0801

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